woensdag 21 augustus 2013


Ik kon weer een lening uitgeven op KIVA en deze keer is m'n keuze gevallen op Jessica:

In this Group: María Piedad, María De Lourdes, Gloria Petrona, Elvia Piedad*, María Esperanza, Jessica Natalia, María Yolanda, Luis Alberto
* not pictured

The group Cruzloma consists of seven female members and one male member. They live in a small village in the canton of Paute. It is a very calm and peaceful place with a lot of natural beauty. Its architecture is a mixture of old and modern. The people, including the members of the group, keep to the culture and traditions of their villages and make a living by breeding animals, doing agricultural work, or working in the city of Cuenca.

One of the members of the group is Jessica. She is on her second loan cycle with her friends from borrower group Cruzloma. She likes this type of loan because there is more unity among all the friends in the sector.

Jessica is 29 years old and married. She has two children, who are ten and eight years of age. They are studying at a small school in the area. Her husband works in construction as a bricklayer. They do not have their own house, so they live with her in-laws.

Jessica spends her time looking after her children, but she really likes doing hands-on activities; for this reason she has done courses on how to make knitted bracelets, sweaters, and scarves. She knits every day and sells her finished products to friends and acquaintances. She is going to invest her new loan in purchasing fabric, thread, paint, and skeins of wool.

Her dream is to have her own house.

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