maandag 17 september 2012


Er was weer flink terugbetaald op m'n uitstaande leningen via KIVA: ik kon vandaag een nieuwe lening uitgeven zonder bij te hoeven leggen en er blijft nog een bedrag staan voor volgende maand (hoef ik weer niet bij te leggen) De nieuwe lening is deze:

Update on Ferdos

After repaying the first loan successfully, Ferdos has applied for another loan. She has now started to tailor curtains using the sewing machine she has, that is, in addition to selling clothes and blankets. Having a good demand for the curtains that she makes has led Ferdos to apply for another loan to buy materials and a bigger sewing machine.

Previous Loan Details

Ferdos is a 43-year-old hardworking mother. After her husband passed away she was left with seven children under the age of eighteen to raise. In order to support her family she needed to find a job that would not keep her away from her children.

1 opmerking:

Yvette zei

een betere ambassadeur dan jij hoeven we niet te hebben
