woensdag 30 oktober 2013


Tijd om weer een KIVA lening te doen. Deze keer is de keuze gevallen op Dúo Manzanal LI Group uit Guatemala. Om precies te zijn: de dame rechts, Olga Marina.

Olga Marina, one of the members of Duo "El Manzanal II", sells blouses and flower arrangements. She first learned about the cultivation of ornamental plants 6 years ago with help from her mother in law, and then she learned the weaving of blouses from a friend where she delivered some of the flower arrangements.

Olga wishes to continue to succeed in her business in order to offer a greater variety of products to her customers in the market and to the customers that buy from her home. All this to contribute to the finances of her family and to the education of her children.

She is requesting this loan to buy fabrics for the weaving of blouses and to buy seeds for ornamental plants.

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